# Using Same OS to avoid OS issues
We use Ubuntu 16.04 as our default OS. Please install it on to your system, so
that you can work without OS issues.
Learn how to install Ubuntu 16.04 in this guide.
## Install Ubuntu 16.04 on your Laptop
We recommend you to use Ubuntu 16.04 since it is easy for new developers.
### Install in a VM (Recommended)
1. [How to Install Ubuntu in VM](https://medium.com/@tushar0618/install-ubuntu-16-04-lts-on-virtual-box-desktop-version-30dc6f1958d0)
## Important! for VM
Please allocate these settings, for a smooth experience with VM.
1. Alteast 4 cores for the VM
2. Atleast 4 GB of RAM
3. Atleast 30GB(IoT) & 50GB(AI) of storage space.
<summary> <h3> Dual-boot (Not recommended) </h3> </summary>
Only for people who have Dual-booted the laptop before without any help from others. If you have not done it before Please install VM.
1. [How to Install Ubuntu](/extras/Dual_Boot_PC.pdf)(dual boot,Windows PC)
2. [How to Install Ubuntu](https://larryjordan.com/articles/create-a-dual-boot-mac-os-x-system/) (dual boot a MAC)
# **Why Ubuntu 16.04 and not this other distro ?**
It is because of package dependencies, We have solved all possible issues on 16.04 and there are many issues in other distros
which we don't want to get busy solving since our main goal is our curriculum and not solving Ubuntu or other Linux issues. |